The meeting began with the normal Call to Order, Agenda Review, and Flag Salute. The first Community Comments portion of the meeting included 4 teachers/union leaders addressing teacher contracts and various concerns. One teacher thanked the school board for all the work that they did trying to get the 2025 budget passed. Four parents/community members advocated for the teachers and/or reiterated ongoing complaints with the school board.

The Consent Agenda included an approval of a warrant, contracts, and approval of various minutes.

The Reports to the Board portion of the meeting included Committee Reports, a Principal Report, and a Student Report.

Policy Committee discussed: C100 Weapons Policy which is being renumbered to C42. C4 English Learners policy is getting a set of procedures drafted. A policy number B21 missed what it was relating to coming in November. Discussed Procedures or Policy for Board Member Conduct.

Facilities Committee mainly discussed Herrick location issues and options estimates for discussion at the next board community engagement event which will discuss the Herrick facility on Tuesday October 15, 2024 at 7:00 in the High School Library. 

The Principal Report included a Milton High School Principal Presentation (more details in the packet). Of specific note, Math and English Language Arts for 9th grade were 20% higher than the Vermont Average, Additionally, like all principal presentations they are formatted to discuss work completed towards the goals of:

        1)      Student Achievement and Success – To foster curious and passionate learners through opportunities that further their academic knowledge and skills and meet the challenges of a changing world.

        2)      Social-Emotional Health and Well-being – To prioritize the health and well-being of all members of the learning organization through programming that promotes care for the heart, mind, and body.

        3)      Family & Student Engagement – To cultivate engaged citizens inspired to meet the demands of a changing society through an awareness of self, others, and the world around them in the local and global context.
The last report was a Student Report discussing the MHS Day of Service that included a car wash, cemetery grave cleaning, service at Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, service at Milton Recreation, Habitat For Humanity ReStore. Also discussed the Milton Activities Fair. Finally, there was a band piece played by the MHS band.   

The Presentations portion included a presentation on the district’s Systemic Approach to Learning and Professional Development. Indicated have been focusing on literacy and math. Indicated that MTSD has a 5-year curriculum renewal cycle that allows for regular review and revision of the numerous (~1,050) curriculums across 14 grades (pre-k through 12) and subjects. Indicated that MTSD is closer to having their entire curriculum online.

The Discussion portion of the meeting included a Board Resolution discussion regarding “Computershare” to authorize a new MTSD person to have signatory authority due to changes in personnel. Also discussed the MHS Overnight Field Trip – VT Student Athlete Conference November 4-5. Board questions included manner of student attendee selection and only having one male chaperone noted. Based on questions needing answers, this action item was removed as an action item for this night’s agenda.

Finally, discussed the Herrick building estimates to be discussed at the upcoming board community engagement event on Tuesday October 15, 2024 from 7:00-8:00pm in the MHS Library.

The second Community Comments portion of the meeting included one comment from a teacher indicating his desire to settle the teacher contract and made a comment regarding board members harassing teachers.

The Action Items portion of the meeting included voting to sign the Board Resolution regarding “Computershare” and Approval and Signature of Tax Anticipation Notice (TAN) Agreement in the amount of $7,337,150.

The Board Comments portion of the meeting included comments related to the MHS Band performance.

An Executive Session concluded the night to address a grievance.

Categories: School