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This summary is based on my attendance at the MTSD meeting(s), review of the meeting agenda, packet and supporting materials as found here, and subsequent memory. All previous summaries can now be found at Once again, this summary comes from Allison’s lesser half and that will continue while she’s on the board, but please note that she appreciates the tremendous support she continues to receive while I continue to do my best to provide similar unbiased summaries. Please review, if applicable, the subsequently published LCATV video ( to review/verify any specific content. 

Milton School Board Summary: November 21, 2024

The meeting began with the normal Call to Order, Agenda Review, and Flag Salute. This was followed by a statement by the vice-chair in support of the school staff in the face of recent challenges. 

The first Community Comments portion of the meeting included a commentor commenting on the school book fair outcomes and the need for continued assistance with the PTA, disagreement with how comments were made and not allowed at the last board meeting, and bussing concerns. A teacher and president of the MESA teacher union commented on pending policies/procedures on board member conduct. A third commenter expressed her opinion on a lot of topics. Please review video for her full comment.  

The Consent Agenda included an approval of a warrant, contracts, and approval of several minutes. 

The Reports to the Board portion of the meeting included:

– Operations Report indicated that the school is having an Agency of Education review of the food service on December 5th covering Meal Access and Reimbursement, Meal Pattern and Nutrition Quality, Resource Management, and General Program Compliance during October 2024. The onsite review will include only MMS. Additionally, the Herrick facility classroom renumbering (similar to house numbering for E911) will be completed over winter break. MHS was renumbered this past summer.   

Finance Report are in the packet. 

– Committee Reports included the Finance Committee report indicating that they’re creating a “level service” budget from last year that will inevitably cost more due to increased costs. The Policy Committee had not met, but regarding the Board Conduct Policy they are compiling information from other boards. 

– VSBA Conference Report was provided in the packet and summarized three board members’ attendance at the conference. 

– Milton Elementary School Principal Presentation (more details in the LCATV video) like all principal presentations they are formatted to discuss work completed towards the goals of:

1) Student Achievement and Success – To foster curious and passionate learners through opportunities that further their academic knowledge and skills and meet the challenges of a changing world.

2) Social-Emotional Health and Well-being – To prioritize the health and well-being of all members of the learning organization through programming that promotes care for the heart, mind, and body. 

3) Family & Student Engagement – To cultivate engaged citizens inspired to meet the demands of a changing society through an awareness of self, others, and the world around them in the local and global context. 

The Presentations portion of the meeting included: 

– MES Student Presentation of the 4th grader’s STEAM program Macy’s Day Parade display using LEGO Spike Prime kits.

– Progress Monitoring/Lifting Student Learning occurs three times a year in relation to the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). Lots of testing metrics were discussed and presented regarding English Language Arts, Math, and Behavior Data. Refer to the LCATV video as no information was provided in the packet. 

– District Goals and Priorities – Budget Alignment discussion started with the superintendent mentioning the creation of a “MTSD FY26 Budget Book” that is expected to be located here: when published along with other FY26 budget information. She also explained several issues that go into our local tax burden that impact the school board’s budget decisions along with the budget process and timeline. 

The Discussion portion of the meeting included: 

– Herrick Facilities Project discussion portion related to the decision to go forward with the “stabilization plan” of the Herrick Facility and proceed with a bond vote in March for 7-10 million based on estimates currently obtaining. Decided to add action items related to motions on this discussion item. 

International Field Trip Requests – MHS International Club was discussed with information on the trip in the packet. 

– The second Community Comments portion of the meeting included one commenter who was thrilled with what her kids have been receiving from Milton schools and is concerned about the school budget and the constant lack of funding that has led to the need for mold remediation multiple times.  

The Action Items portion of the meeting included Herrick Facilities Project motion to pursue stabilization of the Herrick Facility based on proposal B with possible upgrades to the library and exterior doors along with a separate motion for pursuing a vote on a bond in March for the 7-10 million expected for this to cost, Ratification of the Faculty Master Agreement, and Policy Approval-E21 Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Literature in Schools. 

The Board Comments portion of the meeting included a comment on the STEAM program that when it initially rolled out it may have been controversial [due to the misconception that it was doing away with art], but that  the kids have really liked it.  

An Executive Session concluded the night regarding negotiations.