The meeting began with the normal Call to Order, Agenda Review, and Flag Salute. The first Community Comments portion of the meeting included no comments.
The Consent Agenda included the approval of a warrant, contracts, and approval of several minutes from regular, special, and committee meetings.
The Reports to the Board portion of the meeting included:
– Superintendent Report: See packet for details. The document was read during the meeting. Mentioned was that the Commission on the Future of Public Education’s report that was due 12/15/24 would be submitted a few days late. Also discussed several issues with the way VT funds and controls school funding and outcomes that conflict. Reiterated the state’s unfunded mandates.
– Finance Report: Reports were provided in the packet explaining showing revenues come in slower than expenses at this time of the year and why all schools require a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) loan until the state pays the school their funds.
– Committee Reports: Policy Committee met and will be discussed later tonight. Finance Committee as well. Facilities Committee Meeting discussed stabilization work desired for bond.
– MMS Principal Report: See packet for details. Like all principal presentations they are formatted to discuss work completed towards the goals of:
1. Student Achievement and Success – To foster curious and passionate learners through opportunities that further their academic knowledge and skills and meet the challenges of a changing world.
2. Social-Emotional Health and Well-being – To prioritize the health and well-being of all members of the learning organization through programming that promotes care for the heart, mind, and body.
3. Family & Student Engagement – To cultivate engaged citizens inspired to meet the demands of a changing society through an awareness of self, others, and the world around them in the local and global context.
The Presentations portion of the meeting included the FY26 Draft Budget. Matt Grasso provided a very thorough presentation that I suggest watching on LCATV. Additional information and the presentation he showed is expected to be added to the school’s Budget Info webpage as found here: Of note, although the terminology used in the determining the school side of the property tax formulas are the same, how the numbers are arrived at to get to the Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) have thoroughly changed due to recent law changes. The board is currently planning to have a “level service” budget that due to increased costs is expected to cost an additional 6.86%. However, due to the current way the formulas are working to assess Milton’s school portion of the property tax, it is currently anticipated absent further changes that your property taxes will go down 10.35% (-10.35%) if all else stays the same. This will impact different homeowners differently based on eligibility for income sensitivity and homestead value. The next budget report will be during the January 9th school board meeting.
The Discussion portion of the meeting included:
– Teacher Leave Request: A teacher has requested extended leave (10 days total) during the school year to take what sounds like an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity. Tabled to next meeting with questions to Amy for discussion and decision.
– FY26 Draft Budget including Tax Rate Implications and Budget Direction. Concerns over what the legislature might do. Otherwise, happy taxes appear to be coming down for Milton and able to still keep a “level service” budget. There was concern with the budget passing but the bond failing and having a falling apart Herick facility with significant roof concerns among other ongoing stabilization maintenance issues.
– Herrick Stabilization Project including Bond Language and Project Timeline. Committee recommending that the bond vote in March be for up to $8 million.
– Milton Innovation Center Opening – Details: Plan to have ribbon cutting Thursday January 9 from 4-6pm.
– Policy First Reads of B3 – Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace (Required), C71 – Emergency Medications (Recommended), and A43 – Board Conduct. Each were discussed.
The second Community Comments portion of the meeting included no comments.
The Action Items portion of the meeting included a vote to move forward to contract with website vendor Apptegy. Motion made for bond language to be up to $8 million also passed.
The Board Comments portion of the meeting included congratulations to Ann and MJ on their retirement (HS Principles). Comment about the recent great HS play (I concur), the Rock Project, and other school events.
An Executive Session concluded the night indicated to be a Matter of Personnel.