One teacher discussed the UVM’s “Interdisciplinary-Team” regarding working with students with complex needs. One teacher read a statement, indicated to have been from a parent of children who had previously gone to Milton schools, explaining their perspective on why some may be voting “no” on the budget. One parent talked about not cutting teaching staff. One teacher spoke regarding maintaining a budget that would not cut stuff out. One teacher, and president of the local teacher’s union, requested level funding and increasing resources. He also spoke regarding a parent’s comment during a community comment period at a prior school board meeting. A pair of school librarians spoke advocating for two library assistant positions. One student spoke advocating for the budget and not cutting funding. One parent of past students spoke about the confusion regarding the school budget and the tax rate. She also discussed what school workers do on a daily basis. One parent believed that positions at certain levels need to be reviewed and that people would approve a budget with less people in the business office and more in the classrooms. She also mentioned that people can’t support a budget when teachers and kids are being assaulted daily with nothing being done. She also indicated that parents applying to volunteer are not hearing back believing that the administration doesn’t want parents in the building to see what the climate is like inside.

A number of warrant approvals, a fund transfer, and contracts were completed along with approvals of several meeting minutes as part of the Consent Agenda. The Ratification of MESA Support Staff Contract was postponed due to board members not receiving the contract for review .A board member requested a process for reviewing invoices related to the warrants. A discussion was held where another board member indicated that they were previously available in a basket for board member viewing prior to putting away in filing cabinet. It appears that it was decided that this process would again occur to allow for review of these documents before warrant approval.

During the Reports to the Board section, the Operations Report discussed the Milton Innovation Center (MIC) and outdoor classroom space adjacent to the MIC. At the end of the night, the board approved funding $48,750 along with using the remaining $20,000from the current/expired contract with Truex Cullins towards a new contract with them to continue the development of the MIC and outdoor classroom that appears may substantially or entirely be grant funded by ESSER funds(see linked documentation).

There was a Milton Elementary School Report where the vice principles discussed their goals of:1) Academic Proficiency, 2) Social Emotional Learning, and 3) Family and Student Engagement.

The revised budget was discussed. Due to recent changes to other school districts’ budgets passing at lower rates, the Property Yield changed allowing for the education pool dollars to be spread further. This appears to mean that even without further reductions to Milton’s school budget, the overall tax impact has reduced to even more than what had been the goal discussed at the April 29thschoolboard meeting when the superintendent was tasked with finding cuts in the amount of approximately$450,000. The board’s goal then was to have no tax increase that would be based on the non-Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) increases that are directly under MTSD’s control. Note that the CLA impacts the education formula when houses sell for higher than they were appraised by the town. Therefore, currently without any additional cuts, the current budget actually eats into the tax increase made by the CLA by $0.71making the overall tax increase 10.71%. After discussions, the board decided to additionally reduce two positions that were currently empty further reducing the budget. These positions include:1)Director of Student Engagement (Admin) and 2) 0.50 FTE District Board Secretary. These positions sounded to be approximately another$150,000 reduction that would appear to bring the overall tax rate closer to, but not break under, 10%. However, official numbers will come out later.

The board discussed numerous avenues for communicating the new budget and voting day to the community. Communication channels include answering questions at various locations around town at publicized times with two board members. Signs advertising the day of the vote will be put up around town. School board members will attend the next selectboard meeting. Facebook ads and in The Islander to get out information on the vote. There will also be a special school board meeting on May 30thspecifically for Q&A with the community on the budget. Of course, as always, there’s budget information at

Finally, the board approved using funds from a settlement for the purchase vape detectors forthe high school in the amount of $11,000.

Categories: School


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