The meeting began with the normal Call to Order, Agenda Review, and Flag Salute. The first Community Comments portion of the meeting included two comments. The first commenter spoke on LBGT issues and a desire for more education. The second commenter wanted the board to explain to the public that some policies were mandatory policies and some language can’t be changed. She also commented on a desire for the board to consider a district-wide discussion on limiting cell phone/mobile device use in classrooms and obtain community input early.
The Consent Agenda included an Approval of a Warrant, a number of Contracts, and Approval of various minutes.
The Reports to the Board included a mention that there was a Policy Committee meeting and that there were policies for discussion on the night’s agenda.
The Presentations portion of the meeting included a discussion of a Net Metering Solar Offset Project by an outside group that MTSD could contract with to get an 8% discount on electricity for the next 25years. A clean energy investor owns the system but rules don’t allow them to be directly paid by the electric company. Instead, the investor gets credits that the school uses to pay electric bill and the school in turn pays the investor what they would have paid the electric company for the credits at a discounted rate to what it would cost directly for the electricity.
The Discussion portion of the meeting included a first policy read for D3 Responsible Computer, Internet and Network Use, a second policy read for B20 Personnel Recruitment, Selection and Appointment, Board Goals 2024/2025–Back to the Future Protocol, and an issue with the kitchen.
In response to a community comment, it was noted that any policy with a number less than 20 are required policies and they cannot be less restrictive, but can be made more restrictive. Any policy numbered in the 20s are suggested policies and can be modified. Any policy numbered in the 30s are optional policies and are good to have. Any policy numbered in the 40s is an MTSD specific policy that MTSD’s lawyers have reviewed.
Regarding Policy D3, a board member asked if the policy addressed monitoring/disallowing personal cellphones using the MTSD’s WIFI in relation to restricted content. Another board member asked how we defined “restricted content.” The superintendent agreed with a community commenter that a community discussion needs to be held regarding cell phone usage at school.
Regarding Policy B20, one board member brought up and another concurred in disagreement with the use of the terminology of “cultural humility” and its use in the policy, preferring “cultural respect.” In a vote of 3-2, the policy was moved forward with the current language.
Regarding Board Goals overarching themes are Literacy, Math, and Behavior. This discussion was regarding setting specific goals for each of these areas. Data metrics were reviewed and then the board members completed a lengthy brainstorming visioning exercise. A summary of the exercise will be completed for further discussion and completion of updated goal-making.
Controls for kitchen hoods at high school broke and will need to be replaced due to age at a cost of$12,225. Control Technologies currently has a 3-year contract for servicing HVAC equipment which this is included in. A board member had question about whether replacement controls would be proprietary and the answer was they would not be.
The second Community Comments portion of the meeting included no comments.
The Action Items portion of the meeting included voting on replacing the high school kitchen hood controls which passed.
The Board Comments portion of the meeting included no board comments.
An Executive Session concluded the night