The meeting began with the normal Call to Order, Agenda Review, and Flag Salute. The first Community Comments portion of the meeting included a single comment regarding an out-of-state transgender teen who was murdered.

The Consent Agenda included approval of various warrants, contracts, and meeting minutes.

The Reports to the Board portion of the meeting included Finance Report and Facilities Committee Report. Finance report discussed finalizing last year’s finances getting the final payments from the state and finalizing final payments for last year’s expenses. Had to pay a deductible for a ransomware situation out of IT cutbacks. The school board meeting was preceded by a Facilities Committee Meeting where Capital Project updates and maintenance concerns were discussed. Looking to reserve $500,000 in reserve for unknown “incidental” facilities expenses. The roof is a continuing concern at a total cost of1.5 million to replace for Herrick. If replaced, would not expect to go forward with a new building anytime soon. Also discussed was a request to add additional barricades (48) at a cost of approximately $18,000 (+shipping) in front of Herrick Ave bus drop-offs to protect kids from falling into arriving buses with openings in front of where bus doors would be. Superintendent indicated this was her first knowledge of this proposal. Bids for patching or paving of the parking lots were also discussed. Recommendation is to patch for $12,980to get us a couple more years down the road to where replacement will be more necessary.

There was not a Presentations portion of the meeting.

The Discussion portion of the meeting included the Herrick Project and the Board Goals started at the last board meeting.

Regarding Herrick Project Discussion, the discussion related to the need for a new roof and if replaced it will likely negate going forward with building are placement for the immediate foreseeable future. Superintendent indicated that community and the board need to decide what direction with the community to take and put a plan forward that is multi-year so the community knows what to expect for planning and costs. Possible community social event in September to discuss with community.

Regarding Board Goals, it was noted that the board did not entirely meet last year’s goals. Some cohorts did and others did not meet the goals. The board discussed “What One Year of Progress Would Look Like.”

Regarding Math Goals, one board member desired a 5% increase in proficiency with a focus on students at the lowest performing level. Offering extra time for teachers to spend extra time with those kids. Figuring out a methodology to target this population. Returning to older math methodology and moving away from the “new math” methodology. Another wanted to see general improvement over prior year in every grade in every cohort. Another wanted more parental involvement in math and engagement at home to support the student in the classrooms. Another wanted a 10% increase this year, seeing a significant drop-off in skills in 5thgrade and desiring research into why that’s occurring. The final board member wanted to create a strategy and tool to measure and track that progress.

Regarding Literacy Goals, one board member desired an increaseof15% in the lower two cohort success levels and 10% and 3% for the second highest and highest levels. Desired increasing the use of classic novels, but superintendent indicated curriculum wasn’t in the board’s realm. Another wanted a general improvement over the prior year in every grade in every cohort and to promote reading (??). Another noted those on IEPs dropped significantly last year and wanted to do things to motivate kids to want to read. Another wanted a 10% increase towards getting to grade level in literacy and promoting parental involvement in reading for the younger kids.

Regarding Behavior Goals, one board member desired to have the behavioral issue spikes in September/October reduced to be the yearly average for the year. Another desired continuous improvement over prior years with decreases in the major issues in all grades. Another discussed proactively having plans in place before behavioral issues occur for known issues. Another wanted to see a measurable decrease in major referrals and elementary and middle schools and continuing decreases at the high school. Discussed having a partnership between parents and the school and review of appropriateness of restorative practices for all students/issues. Another wanted to have on average less than five referrals across all schools. After discussion, there was consideration of changing to less than five each for elementary and middle schools and 2 for the high school.

The goal was to vote on the Board Goals by the July 25th meeting, but the chair indicated it may not be good to finalize goals tonight. Superintendent cautioned finalizing Board Goals until the results of standardized testing come back with preliminary results at the next meeting on July 25th.

The bus barricade proposal was briefly discussed and tabled until the superintendent can discuss and formalize any proposal. Also mentioned was streamlining somehow dismissal to alleviate possible safety concerns.

The pavement patching was discussed further and agreed to patch for now. Will add as an action item for this meeting.

The second Community Comments portion of the meeting included no comments.

The Action Items portion of the meeting included Policy Approvals for D3 Responsible Computer, Internet and Network Use (Required) and B20 Personnel Recruitment, Selection and Appointment (Recommended). Two board members voted against policy B20 as worded. An added action item regarding a contract for patching a parking lot was approved.

The Board Comments portion of the meeting included a comment about new development in town and possible additional student population commensurate with that development. In general, we have room to grow, but it would be difficult if lots of growth hit all one age group

Categories: School


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